The international module "Clinical Practices" is an English online course (15 ECTS) designed for Erasmus students visiting the University College of Health Sciences. They are divided en 5 theoretical ECTS and 10 placements ECTS.
To participate in it you need to register at the University after your arrival. That is usually done after the first or second week of October. After that, you will be provided with "Código Universitario" and "Expediente". These two codes will allow you to activate your inscription at "Campus Virtual de Ciencias de la Salud".
Once you activate your inscription, you can access the "Clinical Practices" website by clicking this link (academic year 2008/09) . This module has two teachers:
- Silvia García Ramos, for nursing students;
- Juan Antonio Armenta Peinado, for physiotherapy students.
To complete your academic stay in Malaga you will need to make some practices in hospitals and primary health care centers. They will be offered by your academic coordinator, asigned to you at your arrival, depending on your country of origin, studies and university. Check this site to find yours!